Submissions are OPEN!
Submission Guidelines
Fiction | Poetry | Non-Fiction | Art | FAQ
We are looking for unpublished, engaging stories that pull us in from the start and tell a great tale.
We accept anything considered speculative fiction. This includes science fiction, fantasy, and horror, and any sub-genres that fall into these categories.
Word Count
- Subscribers and Australian/New Zealand authors: up to 20,000 words.
- Non-subscribers and non-AU/NZ authors: up to 10,000 words.
Manuscript Formatting
Please only submit your manuscript as an RTF file. This ensures all our staff can access your story.
Please submit using Modern Short Story Manuscript Format, but remove ALL personal information from your manuscript (i.e., please remove your name, byline, postal address, phone number, and email address from the title page and all headers). We use an anonymous submission system to give all authors a fair chance at publication. The first page of your manuscript should look like this:

1 cent per word (AUD) with a AUD$20 minimum and a AUD$100 maximum per piece. For flash fiction (under 1,000 words), we pay AUD$10 per piece.*
Every contributor also receives an electronic copy of the issue in which their item appears, whether it’s fiction, poetry, non-fiction, or artwork.
- We only accept unpublished stories.
- We prefer Australian English spelling (-ise instead of ize, for example).
- We do not accept simultaneous submissions or multiple submissions. This means only one story per author until we have responded with a decision to hold or reject your story.
- We do not accept serialised submissions, so please don’t ask.
- Andromeda Spaceways is intended for a wide audience, so we don’t want anything more than M-rated: no gratuitous sex or violence.
*Please be aware that you will be paid based on the number of words in the final product, not what you initially send us. ^
We accept any unpublished poetry that is considered speculative fiction. This includes science fiction, fantasy, and horror, and any sub-genres that fall into these categories.
Word Count
Poetry should be under two pages.
Manuscript Formatting
Please submit using poetry manuscript formatting, but remove all personal information from your manuscript (i.e., please remove your name, byline, postal address, phone number, and email address from the title page and all headers). We use an anonymous submission system to give all authors a fair chance at publication. Please only submit your manuscript as an RTF file. This ensures all our staff can access your story.
Poetry pieces will be paid at a flat rate of AUD$10.
- Poetry must not have been published anywhere else.
- We accept only one poetry submission from one author at a time. A single file with multiple poems will be rejected.
- We do not accept simultaneous submissions or multiple submissions. Please do not submit your poem anywhere else or submit another poem to us until we have responded with a decision to hold or reject your poem.
We’re after articles on the speculative genres and their writers, weird science, real science, weird history, straight history, con reports, fads, geekdom etc. We’re somewhat less interested in articles about how to write. We’re going for broad interest, and there are other publications for those.
Word Count
Please keep articles under 5,000 words. We find 3,000 words to be the sweet spot.
Manuscript Formatting
Please submit using Modern Short Story Manuscript Format, but remove all personal information from your manuscript (i.e., please remove your name, byline, postal address, phone number, and email address from the title page and all headers). We use an anonymous submission system to give all authors a fair chance at publication. Please only submit your manuscript as an RTF file. This ensures all our staff can access your article.
Non-fiction articles will be paid at a flat rate of AUD$10.
If you send us artwork, be aware that every editor has different needs, and so your work might be just the style that one of them wants. Putting it in our gallery means they can see immediately what your style is like, without having to trawl through a heap of websites, and it means you don’t have to keep reminding us that you exist! We also commission new work, so if you want to sell your samples elsewhere, feel free.
Please note, the gallery is password-protected and only available to editors, so your art is safe. We can’t send you a link, but trust us—each entry only says who you are and what you’re prepared to do for Andromeda Spaceways.
Choose a sample painting, if you’re interested in producing cover art, and/or a black and white piece, if you’re keen to do internal art. Samples of your work can be sent as scanned images at screen resolution (96dpi, no more than 300kb per image, please).
Please send artwork to asimeditor[at]gmail[dot]com.
AUD$100 per cover and AUD$20 per internal piece.