ASM #68


Issue #68 of Andromeda Spaceways Magazine offers thoughtful and quirky stories that will give you a chuckle, but also make you think. You’ll experience some familiar tropes, but never quite what you’d expect.

The Case of the Discounted Death combines Raymond Chandler with George Romero to give you a quite unexpected shopping experience. Then there is poor little Red Riding Hood in The Wolves Are on Their Way, but you’ll have to read on to find out who really saves the day. Seven Signs Your Roommate is a Vampire will make you think twice before accusing anyone of being a mythical creature of the night. Fairies, trolls and unicorns are abounding in Mrs Coleman’s Backyard Refugee Camp and omens are fulfilled in A Mage’s Prophecy, just not the way you think they might.

And we’ve got plenty for fans of hard-core science fiction.

Robotic art appreciation makes life difficult in Ash upon the Starry Night, and The Fear Engine tricks you into mistaking what it is you should really be afraid of. Religion, faith and science clash in both The Rabbi’s Daughter and The Marachel Job but who is the winner? Find the truth about love in Marbles, or is that painful feeling in your chest just the pizza and ice cream?

Our New Writers Unearthed series continues with interviews with Steve Case and Kris Ashton. There are more book reviews and loads more images to make this issue of Andromeda Spaceways Magazine worth reading.

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